I took this picture in sleet, rain, and snow. We were at about 15,000 feet elevation almost at "El Refugio" We couldn't stay long outside b/c of the conditions at the top. What a great site it was. Cotopaxi is the second largest volcano in the world.
Wollett Family Photo at the "almost" top of Pichincha, one of the 13 volcanos surrounding Quito, Ecuador and one that we can view every day out of our window. We rode the "Teleferico" up and then walked to about 14,000 feet elevation.
This is a Quichua lady from Izacata. She gave Nene her prize possesion, her Quicha necklace. We all just cried when she put it around NeNe's neck. What a heart felt gift it was!!! She has one of the two house churches in this area.
This is Ellie and her very best friend, Vickie. Victoria left Ecuador with her parents and her brother to live in Texas. Victoria is a gem. She is American/Ecuadorian. Her grandparents still live here but she has her other grandparents that live in the states. Eventhough Vickie looks younger, they are the same age. They were playing dress-up and presenting a "play" in this picture during a sleepover.
This man is the president of the Santos Pamba barrio where we are working and where we took a volunteer team to help finish a building and to evangelize. Every community has a president to whom you must get approval before entering.